Gauhati University Recruitment Researcher Field Investigators

Gauhati University Recruitment Researcher Field Investigators. Advertisement for the posts of Research Associate, Research Assistants and Field Investigators for ICSSR Recruitment Research Assistant funded Short-term Research Project.

Applications are invite forthe post of One (1) Research Associate two (2) Research Assistant four (4) field investigators fo the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) funded short-term Empirical Collaborative Research Project entiied “Pradhan Mantri Ujjwal: An impact iment In Relation to the Life of Women in Assam and West Bengal

Gauhati University Recruitment Researcher Field Investigators

Interested candidates ay submit ther application with bio-data supported by testimonials of various examinations (H5LC) examination onward) and other qualification experiences by email to the Project Condimator as pe the details given below within five days from the date of advertisement.

No. AVA for attending th interview vil be provided.

The details of required qualification, place mature of work, remuneration, etc. are mentioned below.

The candidates must bing original Pe tificates/ testimonials at the time of interview.

Sl. No.Name of the PostNature of PostPlace of WorkQualificationRemunerationDuration
1.Research Associate1Guwahati AssamPost Graduate in Geography/ Economics/ Sociology/ Statistics with NET/SET qualification having Knowledge in using SPSS, MATLAB etc. (Preference will be given to the candidate with PhD degree)@Rs. 40,000/- per month5 to 6 months
2.Research Assistant2West Bengal and AssamPost Graduate in Geography/ Economics/ Sociology/ Statistics having experience in data collection an experiential Knowledge of data analysis in Microsoft excel, etc.@Rs. 32,000/- per month3 (Three) months for West Bengal and 2 (Two) months for Assam
3.Field Investigator4Assam and West BengalPost Graduate in Geography/ Economics/ Sociology/ Statistics having some experience and interest in field data collection in different place of the respective states.@Rs. 30,000/- per month2 (Two) months