Visa Trends 2023: Kosovo, Kuwait & Qatar Nationals Lead Per Capita Applications

Visa Trends 2023: Kosovo, Kuwait & Qatar Nationals Lead Per Capita Applications. Visa Applications: Which Nationalities Apply Most Frequently and Why?

Discover exclusive insights on visa trends 2023 is! Find out why Kosovo, Kuwait, and Qatar nationals led the way in visa applications per capita. Uncover the data-driven story now.

Visa applications are a common occurrence in today’s globalized world. While travel is becoming more accessible, understanding which nationalities apply for visas most frequently can provide insights into various socio-economic factors.

In this article, we delve into the data to discover which countries lead the pack in terms of visa applications and explore the reasons behind this phenomenon.

Kosovo Nationals: Leading the Way

In a surprising revelation, Kosovo nationals have emerged as the leaders in per capita visa applications. With a staggering 6,891 people applying for a visa per 100,000 inhabitants, Kosovo has set a remarkable precedent.

According to Schengen Statistics, every 2,126th person in this country, which has a population of 1.7 million, applied for a visa in 2022.

This astonishing figure places Kosovo at the forefront of visa applications, outpacing all other applicants.

In total, the number of Kosovar visa applicants reached 121,972, signifying that 6.8 percent of the population sought Schengen visas last year.

Kuwait and Qatar: Not Far Behind

Following closely behind Kosovo are Kuwait and Qatar, with 3,426 and 2,939 applicants per every 100,000 inhabitants, respectively, according to

This means that 3.42 percent of Kuwait’s 4.3 million population and 2.9 percent of Qatar’s 2.7 million residents submitted a Schengen visa application in 2022.

Notably, every 29th person in Kuwait and every 34th person in Qatar filed a visa application to Schengen consulates, amounting to 147,694 and 79,859 visa applications, respectively.

These figures position Kuwait and Qatar as the 14th and 24th countries in terms of the total number of applications.


Muslim-Majority Countries Dominate

Interestingly, the majority of countries in the top ten for visa applications per capita are Muslim-majority nations. Only three out of these ten countries – Cape Verde, Suriname, and Armenia – have a lower percentage of Muslim nationals.

This underscores the prominence of Muslim-majority nations in the world of visa applications.

Cape Verde, with 2,935 visa applicants per 100,000 inhabitants, finds itself on the list of top applicants. Here, every 34th person applied for a visa in 2022.

Suriname and Armenia also make the list, with every 37th Surinamese and every 45th Armenian seeking a Schengen visa last year.

This translates to 2.7 and 2.2 percent of the population in these countries filing visa applications, respectively.

United Arab Emirates: A Noteworthy Entry

The United Arab Emirates, despite its affluent status, ranks 7th in terms of the highest number of applicants per capita. Surprisingly, every 51st person out of 9.5 million inhabitants in the UAE applied for a visa at some point in 2022. This figure underscores the global nature of the UAE and its citizens’ inclination to explore the world.

Lebanon, Tunisia, and Bahrain: Determined Applicants

Lebanon and Tunisia also feature prominently on the list, with 1,853 and 1,351 visa applications per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively.

This data implies that every 54th Lebanese citizen and every 74th Tunisian citizen is an applicant, emphasizing the strong desire of their populations to travel. It further reveals that 1.8 percent of Lebanese and 1.3 percent of Tunisians are Schengen visa applicants.

Bahrain, rounding out the top ten, recorded 1,272 visa applications per 100,000 inhabitants. This statistic means that every 76th Bahraini national filed a visa application in 2022, showcasing a significant interest in international travel among Bahrain’s residents.

In conclusion, visa applications vary significantly among countries, with Kosovo, Kuwait, and Qatar leading the way in per capita applications.

The dominance of Muslim-majority countries in this list is a noteworthy trend, reflecting the global desire for travel among diverse populations.

These statistics offer valuable insights into the dynamics of visa applications worldwide.

Why do Kosovo nationals apply for visas at such a high rate?

Kosovo’s high visa application rate can be attributed to factors such as a desire for international travel, family reunification, and business opportunities abroad.

What drives Kuwaitis and Qataris to submit so many visa applications?

Kuwait and Qatar have affluent populations with a strong interest in exploring the world. This, coupled with business and educational opportunities, contributes to their high visa application rates.

Why are Muslim-majority countries prominent in visa applications per capita?

Muslim-majority countries often have strong ties to international travel for religious, cultural, and economic reasons, leading to high visa application rates.

How does the United Arab Emirates compare to other countries in visa applications?

Despite its affluence, the UAE’s cosmopolitan nature and diverse population contribute to a significant number of visa applications per capita.

What motivates countries like Lebanon, Tunisia, and Bahrain to have high visa application rates?

These countries have citizens eager to explore the world for various reasons, including tourism, education, and business opportunities, resulting in substantial visa application numbers.