Buck Supermoon 2023

Buck Supermoon 2023. The Spectacular Supermoon of July 2023. The first of four supermoons to rise in 2023, July’s lunar display will appear to be brighter in the night sky than any other full moon event that has occurred this year.


In July 2023, sky gazers and astronomy enthusiasts will be treated to a mesmerizing celestial event – the supermoon. This extraordinary occurrence is the first of its kind this year and promises to captivate viewers with its brilliance and grandeur.

What is a Supermoon?

A supermoon is a term used to describe the phenomenon when the moon appears larger and brighter than usual in the night sky. The moon’s elliptical orbit around the Earth causes variations in its distance from our planet. When the moon reaches its full phase while being closer to the Earth, it creates the illusion of being larger, hence the term “supermoon.”

The Brightness and Distance of the July Supermoon

On Monday, July 3, the supermoon will rise, peaking at its fullest illumination below the horizon at 7:39 a.m. ET. The Old Farmer’s Almanac states that this supermoon will be exceptionally luminous, and it will be approximately 224,895.4 miles (361,934 kilometers) away from Earth.

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The Buck Moon/ Buck Supermoon 2023

The July supermoon is also referred to as the “buck moon.” According to the almanac, male deer’s antlers typically undergo a cycle of shedding and regrowth during July. This connection to the deer’s antlers gives rise to the name “buck moon” for the July full moon.

The Buck Moon is one of four supermoons occurring in 2023, a full moon that appears bigger and brighter because it is closer than average to the Earth, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac article.

The article adds that the Buck Moon will be 224,895.4 miles from Earth at its closest point, making it the second closest supermoon in 2023, following the Blue Moon which will occur in August.

Google News : https://news.google.com/publications/CAAqBwgKMJT8mgsw2IazAw

Other Names for the July Supermoon

Various Native American peoples have their own names for the full moon in July. These names often reflect different aspects of nature and agricultural cycles. Western Washington University reveals that terms like “hot moon” signify the warm summer weather, while names like “raspberry moon” and “ripe corn moon” highlight the ideal times for harvesting fruits and crops.

The Remaining Full Moons of 2023

While most years have 12 full moons, 2023 will feature an additional 13th full moon. Following the July supermoon, there will be two more supermoons in August, including a blue moon, which will be the closest moon to Earth this year. The final supermoon of 2023 will rise on September 29. Here are the full moons remaining in 2023:

  • August 1: Sturgeon moon
  • August 30: Blue moon
  • September 29: Harvest moon
  • October 28: Hunter’s moon
  • November 27: Beaver moon
  • December 26: Cold moon

Lunar and Solar Eclipses

In addition to the spectacular supermoons, 2023 also presents opportunities to witness lunar and solar eclipses. On October 14, people across North, Central, and South America will have the chance to observe an annular solar eclipse.

During this event, the moon will pass between the sun and Earth, appearing smaller and encircled by a glowing halo. To protect their eyes, viewers must wear eclipse glasses.

Furthermore, on October 28, a partial lunar eclipse will take place. Only a portion of the moon will pass into shadow, as the sun, Earth, and moon will not align completely. This partial eclipse will be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, parts of North America, and much of South Africa.

Google News: https://news.google.com/publications/CAAqBwgKMNSMtwsw4afOAw

Meteor Showers in 2023

Apart from the mesmerizing lunar and solar events, there are several meteor showers expected to peak in 2023. To witness these showers in their full splendor, it is best to find an area without light pollution. Here are the peak dates for the remaining meteor showers:

  • Southern Delta Aquariids: July 30-31
  • Alpha Capricornids: July 30-31
  • Perseids: August 12-13
  • Orionids: October 20-21
  • Southern Taurids: November 4-5
  • Northern Taurids: November 11-12
  • Leonids: November 17-18
  • Geminids: December 13-14
  • Ursids: December 21-22

Conclusion : Buck Supermoon 2023

The July supermoon of 2023 offers a remarkable opportunity to witness the moon at its fullest and brightest. This celestial display, along with the other supermoons, eclipses, and meteor showers, makes this year an exciting time for sky watchers and astronomy enthusiasts. Don’t miss the chance to appreciate the wonders of the cosmos.

FAQs : Buck Supermoon 2023

Q1: What is a supermoon?

A1: A supermoon is a term used to describe when the moon appears larger and brighter than usual in the night sky due to its closer proximity to Earth during its full phase.

Q2: What is the distance of the July supermoon from Earth?

A2: The July supermoon will be approximately 224,895.4 miles (361,934 kilometers) away from Earth.

Q3: Why is the July full moon called the “buck moon”/ “Buck Supermoon 2023?

A3: The July full moon is known as the “buck moon” because it coincides with the time when male deer’s antlers grow during their annual cycle of shedding and regrowth.

Q4: Are there any other names for the July full moon?

A4: Yes, various Native American peoples have their own names for the July full moon. Some names include “hot moon,” “raspberry moon,” and “ripe corn moon.”

Q5: How many supermoons will occur in 2023?

A5: There will be a total of four supermoons in 2023, with the first one appearing in July.