West Bengal Municipal Service Commission schedule with date and time of Field Test along for the post of Conservancy Mazdoor.
Important Announcement – for schedule of Field Test along with date and time for the post of Conservancy Mazdoor (Advt. No. 04 of 2022) and Paribesh Bandhu (Advt. No. 05 of 2022) under KMC.
Based on qualifying in the Read & Write ability test was held on 24/09/2023, following shortlisted candidates are called for Field Test on & from 19th November, 2024 as per schedule below for the posts of Conservancy Mazdoor (Advt. No. 4 of 2022) and Paribesh Bandhu (Advt. No. 5 of 2022) under Kolkata Municipal Corporation.TheScheme&method ofField Test are as follows:
Stage I:
Documents verification-All original documents(viz.GovernmentapprovedPhotoIDCard,certificates regarding Caste, PWD, MSP (Meritorious Sports Persons), Ex- Serviceman) along with a set of Photostat copies will be checked before the candidate is allowed to appear in the Field Test as per eligibility criteria laid down in the Advertisement.
Stage II:
Registration and Biometric Capture- After the documents are found correct; the candidates will be allowed to appear in the Field test. The Admit card of the candidates will be scanned and Fingerprint &Photo of the candidate will becaptured.AttendanceSheetwill be signed by the candidate.
Stage III:
Cap/ Jersey or Number tag issue- Once the Biometric are captured, a RFID tagged Cap/ Jersey will be issued to the candidates.
Stage IV:
Start Point- Each batch of candidates will move to starting point of field test to start the test. The test will commence once the starting Gun Shot sound is fired.
Candidates applied for the post of Conservancy Mazdoor have to appear the field test. In the Field Test the candidates shall be asked to carry a load (garbage/waste) in an iron cart and they will be asked to carry the loaded cart from starting point to finishing point and the merit will be judged on the basis of minimum time taken by a candidate in completing the Field Test.
FieldtestforPWDcandidatesshallcompriseofsweepingagivenarea.Basedontheperformanceinthefieldtest, a separate Merit Panel will be prepared for the PWD candidates.
Merit will be judged on the basis of minimum time taken by a candidate in completing the work.
Candidates applied for the post of Paribesh Bandhu have to appear in a Field Test for cleaning public toilets manually using brush / toilet cleaner and/ or other appropriate tools and merit will be judged on the basis of minimum time taken by a candidate in completing the work.
Stage V:
Release Point- Once the Field Test is finished each candidates needs to come to the release point where Biometric will agai n betaken and Cap /Jersey will be taken back.
FieldTestVenue:KMCC&D Waste Processing Plant