What is Shiny Object Syndrome?

What is Shiny Object Syndrome?


Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS) is a term used to describe a tendency or behavior where individuals are easily distracted by new and exciting things, ideas, or opportunities. 

People with Shiny Object Syndrome are often attracted to novel and interesting stimuli,

which can lead them to frequently change focus or direction in their work, projects, or goals.

Individuals with Shiny Object Syndrome may find it challenging to stay focused on a particular task or project for an extended period.

Constant Distraction 

They may be easily drawn away by new and alluring possibilities.

The syndrome is marked by a pattern of frequently shifting attention from one project or idea to another without completing the initial task.

Frequent Shifts in Focus

People with Shiny Object Syndrome may act on impulses, making decisions based on the allure of something new rather than careful consideration or long-term planning.


There may be difficulty in prioritizing tasks and determining what is truly important.

Difficulty Prioritizing

The individual may be more responsive to immediate gratification rather than long-term goals.

Individuals with SOS may find themselves overcommitted as they take on new projects or responsibilities without thoroughly considering their existing workload or capacity.
