Supermoon 2023

Supermoon 2023

Don’t miss the #BuckMoon on July 3 🌕 This #FullMoon is named for the period when deer show off their new antlers and this year it's also a #Supermoon, appearing larger and brighter in the night sky.

Astromomers say July 3 #Supermoon will be "really effing big"

The astrological event may spark some mental fireworks this 4th of July weekend.

The #BuckMoon rises in #Capricorn on 3 July - 7:38 EDT, 12:38 BST. Named thus by Native Americans, as male deer grow antlers at this time, it will be the first #supermoon of 2023, appearing bigger & brighter than a usual #fullmoon & orbiting nearer to the earth.

Almost full at a whopping 99%, rising above the clouds in SW London tonight

This SuperMoon coming up is notttt playing with us. You can feel the energy building already this is going to be a turning point in a lot of the bullshit we’ve been facing or dishing.

Watching the nearly full 'Super' #BuckMoon rise in London just now. A bit of cloud but another cracker!

When the July 2023 full moon peaks and what time the supermoon is most visible from the UK

Roughly 362,000km away: First supermoon of 2023 visible across S'pore from 9pm on Jul. 3