Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the United States 

has reached a significant milestone by matching the historic record for tie-breaking votes in the Senate.

she cast her 31st tie-breaking vote, equaling the highest number ever achieved by a Vice President in the Senate.

Her vote played a crucial role in confirming the nomination of attorney Kalpana Kotagal as a member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission .

As Vice President, Harris presides over the Senate and has the authority to cast tie-breaking votes in the event of a deadlock.

Senate was evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans, with each party holding 50 seats.

Harris' tie-breaking vote was instrumental in passing key initiatives of the Biden administration

including the Inflation Reduction Act and the American Rescue Plan, as emphasized by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Schumer praised Harris for her outstanding performance in executing her duties and celebrated her achievement in matching the tie-breaking record.

they technically have fewer seats than the Republicans, as three of their members are independents.