7 Benefits of Ghee in Winter

06 December 2023


Ghee, or clarified butter, is a traditional ingredient in many cuisines and is believed to offer several benefits

Particularly during the winter season. Here are seven potential benefits of consuming ghee in winter

Ghee is rich in fats, including saturated fats, which can help provide internal lubrication to the body.

7. Moisturizing Properties 

Ghee contains essential fatty acids and antioxidants that may contribute to a stronger immune system.

6. Boosts Immunity 

According to Ayurveda, ghee is considered a 'heating' food that can generate warmth in the body.

5. Provides Warmth

Ghee is thought to stimulate the digestive fire, or agni, in Ayurveda.

4. Supports Digestion

Ghee is believed to have lubricating properties that may benefit joint health.

3. Joint Health

The saturated fats in ghee serve as a concentrated source of energy.

2. Energy Source

Ghee contains fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. Consuming ghee with meals may enhance the absorption of these vitamins

1. Nutrient Absorption

It's important to note that while ghee may offer potential benefits, moderation is key.