11 Coffee Recipes To Try At Home

06 December 2023


Here are 11 delicious coffee recipes that you can try at home

Brew your favorite coffee beans using your preferred method (drip, French press, pour-over)

11. Classic Black Coffee 

– Brew a shot of espresso. – Dilute it with hot water according to your desired strength

10. Café Americano

– Brew a shot of espresso. – Froth equal parts of steamed milk and milk foam. – Pour the espresso over the milk and foam.

9. Cappuccino

– Brew a shot of espresso. – Steam milk and pour it over the espresso, leaving room for a thin layer of foam on top.

8. Latte

– Brew a shot of espresso. – Mix in hot chocolate or cocoa powder. – Add steamed milk and top with whipped cream.

7. Mocha

– Brew a strong coffee concentrate. – Pour it over ice and add milk and sugar to taste.

6. Iced Coffee

– Steep coarse coffee grounds in cold water for 12-24 hours. – Strain and dilute with water or milk. – Serve over ice.

5. Cold Brew

– Place a scoop of vanilla ice cream or gelato in a cup. – Pour a shot of hot espresso over the ice cream.

4. Affogato

- Mix finely ground coffee with water and sugar in a special pot called a cezve. - Heat slowly until it starts to foam, but do not boil. - Serve in small cups.

3. Turkish Coffee

- Brew a strong cup of hot coffee. - Add a shot of Irish whiskey and a teaspoon of brown sugar. - Top with whipped cream.

2. Irish Coffee

– Blend brewed coffee with a tablespoon of coconut oil. – Optionally, add a dash of cinnamon or vanilla extract. – Enjoy a creamy and flavorful coffee.

1. Coconut Oil Coffee

Feel free to adjust these recipes based on your taste preferences, and don't hesitate to experiment with different coffee beans and flavorings.