10 effective ways to lower your home loan EMIs 


Owning your dream home through a home loan is exciting, but it can also be financially challenging.

Research and compare interest rates offered by different banks to find the most favorable terms.

10. Compare Different Lenders 

Choosing a longer tenure reduces the EMI amount, making it more affordable. However, keep in mind the total interest paid over the extended period.

9. Opt for a Longer Loan Tenure

A high credit score can help negotiate better interest rates. Ensure timely payments and responsible credit utilization.

8. Maintain a Good Credit Score

Discuss your financial situation with the bank to negotiate for better terms, especially if you have a good credit history.

7. Negotiate with the Bank

Whenever possible, make partial prepayments to reduce the principal amount and, consequently, the EMI.

6. Make Prepayments

A higher down payment at the beginning of the loan can lead to lower EMIs and may also result in a lower interest rate.

5. Increase Initial Down Payment

Check for any special offers, discounts, or promotional deals provided by banks that could lower your overall repayment amount.

4. Explore Special Offers

Evaluate the option of transferring your home loan to another bank offering lower interest rates through a balance transfer.

3. Consider Loan Transfer

 Use unexpected financial gains, such as bonuses or tax refunds, to make lump-sum payments and reduce the loan amount.

2. Utilize Windfalls

Review your home loan insurance premium and explore the possibility of getting a more cost-effective insurance policy.

1. Reassess Insurance Premiums