Rajasthan Refinery Limited Recruitment 2025

Rajasthan Refinery Limited Recruitment 2025: 121 पदों पर आवेदन प्रक्रिया शुरू, इस तरह करें आवेदन.

HPCL Rajasthan Refinery Ltd. (HRRL) is a Joint Venture between Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) and Government of Rajasthan (GoR). HRRL is a Greenfield 9 MMTPA Refinery-cum-
Petrochemical complex at Pachpadra in the Balotra district of Rajasthan.

HRRL invites applications from dynamic and talented individuals looking forward to join our dedicated team of professionals and make a significant impact on the energy landscape.

Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the following vacancies through online mode only.

Total Vacancies: 121

Important Dates : Rajasthan Refinery Limited Recruitment 2025

Commencement of Online Application17th January 2025
Last Date of Online Application (Including payment of application fee, as applicable) 08th February 2025 (Upto 2345 hrs.)
All computations of age / relevant experience requirement/qualification shall be done as on*15th January 2025

* – Cut off date for reckoning the eligibility criteria w.r.t completion of essential education qualification, work experience, age etc will be as on 15th January 2025. E.g. Essential Qualifying Education Certificate should be issued as on or before cutoff date which is 15th January 2025.

Positions: Rajasthan Refinery Limited Recruitment 2025

  1. Junior Executive – Chemical
  2. Engineer – Instrumentation
  3. Engineer – Electrical
  4. Officer – Information Systems
  5. Senior Engineer – Process (Refinery)
  6. Senior Manager – Process (Refinery)
  7. Senior Manager – Process (Offsite and Planning)
  8. Senior Manager – Technical Planning (Refinery & Petrochemical)
  9. Senior Manager – Process Safety & Encon
  10. Senior Manager – Quality Control (Refinery / Petrochemical)
  11. Senior Manager – Mechanical
  12. Senior Manager –Instrumentation
  13. Senior Manager – Fire & Safety

Eligibility: Rajasthan Refinery Limited Recruitment 2025

Eligibility criteria w.r.t. Essential Education Qualification & Work Experience (wherever applicable) has been mentioned against each position under Job Details.

Prospective candidates must possess the required educational qualifications and relevant post-qualification work experience (wherever applicable) for the respective positions as detailed below.

Only those who fulfil the eligibility criteria and possess relevant experience (wherever applicable) shall be considered for further selection process.


Salary GradePay Scale*DesignationCost to company (Appx. p.a.)
E0Rs.30,000-Rs.1,20,000Junior Executive08.29 lakhs
E2Rs.50,000-Rs.1,60,000Engineer / Officer 13.66 lakhs
E3Rs.60,000-Rs.1,80,000Senior Engineer16.70 lakhs
E5Rs.80,000-Rs.2,20,000Senior Manager22.67 lakhs

Application Process: Rajasthan Refinery Limited Recruitment 2025

a. Online Application will be accepted from 17th January 2025 to 08th February 2025 2345 hrs (Including payment of application fee as applicable).

b. Candidates are requested to apply online only on https://www.hrrl.in/ Career → Current Openings, after reading detailed advertisement. No other mean / mode of the application shall be accepted.

c. Applications with incomplete / wrong particulars or not in the prescribed format will not be considered.

d. The Email ID and Mobile (preferably whatsapp) number provided in online application should remain valid for at least one year. Candidates must use active Email IDs created in their own names. Applications with pseudo / fake Email IDs will attract appropriate action under the law.

e. All the details given in the online form will be treated as final and no changes will be entertained.

f. In the event of submission of incomplete application along with application fees for reasons whatsoever, his / her candidature will stand cancelled and application fee will be forfeited. No further communication / consideration on the same shall be entertained.

g. Candidates will be required to submit documentary evidence of eligibility during the shortlisting/ selection process within stipulated time as advised by HRRL. Any mismatch in name, qualification,experience other criteria of documents from the data given in application form will lead to disqualification at any stage.

h. Any request for change of venue & date for CBT / Skill test / Personal Interview selection process will not be entertained.

Payment of Application Fees: Rajasthan Refinery Limited Recruitment 2025

a. Application fee is applicable for all positions.

b. SC, ST & PwBD candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.

c. UR, OBCNCL and EWS candidates are required to pay a Non-Refundable Amount of ₹1180/- + payment gateway charges if any (Application fee of ₹1000/- + GST@18% i.e. ₹180/- + payment gateway charges if applicable).

d. Payment Mode: Debit / Credit card / UPI / Net Banking: On paying application fee online, the payment status will automatically change to “Your Transaction is successfully completed”, on successful receipt of fees within 2 days from the date of payment.

e. All the candidates must ensure that the payment status is “Completed” as the transaction will be considered “incomplete” in case of any other payment status. Once the payment is done, candidates are required to take print of acknowledgment of payment and preserve the same for future reference.

f. Candidates must ensure to update the correct application number while processing the application fee, incorrect updation may lead to “incomplete application status”. Such incomplete application will not be considered / accepted for further process and if amount deducted will not be refunded.

g. Applications with Payment Status “incomplete” will not be considered. Hence candidates are requested to ensure change of payment status to ‘completed’ maximum within 2 days from date of payment.

h. No other mode of payment than those mentioned above will be accepted.

i. Application fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Also, chargeback cannot be claimed for any reason.

j. The fee being paid is only towards the submission of application and does not in any way guarantee issuance of interview call letter etc.

k. Application Fee is non-refundable even if the candidature is rejected for any reason.

General Instructions: Rajasthan Refinery Limited Recruitment 2025

1) Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.

2) All computations of age / relevant experience requirement/ qualification shall be as on 15th January2025.

3) Only Online Applications will be accepted. Candidates are not required to send printout of application or any other documents in hard copy to HRRL.

4) Important Note: Candidates applying for positions S/G-E0, E2, E3, E5 are required to upload the resume in the HRRL bio-data format, essential education certificate, experience certificates as applicable in online portal (in single PDF file).

5) The date of passing the eligibility examination will be the date appearing on the final semester mark sheet or the date of final examination mentioned on the provisional certificate. In case the results of a particular examination are posted on the website of the university or institute then a certificate issued by the appropriate authority of the university or institute indicating the date on which the result isdeclared on the website will be considered as the date of passing the examination.

6) All the details mentioned in the online form will be treated as final and no request for changes will be entertained later on. Therefore, candidates are advised to fill the ONLINE form with utmost care making correct entries in the respective fields. No change of request will be entertained for making correction in the application form.

7) Candidates applying for S/G E2, E3 & E5 and above, who have completed Integrated ME/ M.Techwill be eligible to apply against engineering positions, provided the course requirement for award of BE/ B.Tech is in any one of the disciplines mentioned in the advertisement. Such candidates must have both BE/B.Tech and ME/M.Tech degree separately.

8) Candidates who are in final year / final semester whose results are awaited by the cut off date are not eligible and need not to apply.

9) Candidates who have completed B.E / B.Tech engineering degree after 3 years diploma are alsoeligible to apply provided the course requirement for award of B.E / B.Tech is in any one of thedisciplines mentioned in the advertisement.

10) Important Note for Candidates applying in S/G ‘E0’ Other than Essential Qualification-Candidates possessing higher professional qualifications such as Bachelor of Engineering (BE), Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech), Masters in Business Administration(MBA), M.Sc, Chartered Accountant (CA), Company Secretary (CS), Cost Management Accountant (CMA), Bachelor of Law (LLB), Masters of Computer Applications (MCA), Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) etc. any Post Graduation Degree or any such equivalent higher professional qualification shall NOT be eligible.

11) The aforesaid list of higher qualifications/higher professional qualifications mentioned above is not exhaustive. Management may determine any other qualification as a higher qualification/higher professional qualification which is/ are not listed above. The decision of the Management in this regard shall be final and binding and no further enquiry shall be entertained in this respect.

12) For determining eligibility w.r.t. prescribed percentage of marks under qualification parameter, the following methodology will be followed: Wherever CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade is awarded in the Degree/Diploma examinations, its equivalent aggregate percentage of marks must be indicated by the candidates in the On-line Application as per the norms adopted by Board/University/Institute. Candidates will have to producecertificate from the concerned Board / University / Institute regarding the equivalent aggregate percentage of marks with reference to their CGPA/OGPA or Letter Grade and produce the same at the time of document verification failing which their candidature will not be considered.

13) In case the Board/Institute/University does not follow any conversion formula for converting CGPA/OGPA to Percentage, candidate will have to produce a certificate to this effect that the Board/Institute/University does not follow any conversion formula and in order to arrive at equivalent percentage of marks, aggregate of Grade score obtained in each semester/year as applicable, divided by the total number of semesters/years will be considered.

14) In case of Letter Grade, candidate will have to necessarily produce Certificate from the Board/ University/Institute specifying clearly equivalent percentage of marks against Letter Grade failing which their candidature will not be considered.

15) Candidate must specifically indicate the percentage of marks obtained (calculated to the nearest two decimals) in the relevant column of the online application. Where percentage of marks is not awarded by the University but only CGPA/OGPA is awarded, the same shall be converted into percentage in terms of conversion norms of the concerned university in this regard, besides indicating the CGPA/OGPA in the online application.

16) The fraction of percentage so arrived will not be rounded off to next higher whole number i.e. 59.99% will be treated as less than 60%.

17) Qualification acquired through Part-time/Correspondence/Distance Learning mode is not eligible for above published vacancies.

18) A Sandwich Diploma course (with Industrial training as part of the course with no break) shall be considered eligible. Diploma under recognized lateral entry scheme (Class–XII (Sc.)/ITI admitted in 2nd year of Diploma course) shall also be considered eligible subject to meeting prescribed percentage of marks on the basis of aggregate of 4 semesters in the diploma course.

19) Suppression of information regarding possession of or pursuing higher qualification/higher professional qualification shall render a candidate ineligible for consideration at any stage of selection and termination at any time during employment, if recruited.

20) The criteria for full-time regular course shall not be insisted upon in case of Ex- Servicemen, provided they possess a requisite equivalent qualification that has been acquired during the service period and is recognized by AICTE/MHRD, GoI and have secured the prescribed minimum percentage of marks.

21) Ex-servicemen claiming an equivalence in qualification shall be required to produce a copy of equivalence certificate issued by the concerned Ministry.

22) Experience Certificate or Copy of Offer Letter, Joining Letter, Payslips, Increment Letter, relieving letter, Designation, nature of experience etc. proving the continuance in service for the claimed period as experience. The documents in support of Experience must clearly establish the period of experience as well as the nature of experience being claimed against the post.

23) For claiming the benefit of OBC-NCL category, the candidate should produce a latest caste certificate(Not older than 6 months as on cut off date of advertisement) in the format prescribed by Govt. of India, which would, among others specifically mention that the candidate does not belong to the persons/sections (creamy layer) as mentioned in column 3 of the schedule to the Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT) dated 08.09.1993 & OM No. 36033/1/2013-Estt.(Res.) dated 13.09.2017 and other guidelines issued from time to time.

24) Candidates belonging to EWS category are required to submit an Income and Asset certificate issued by Competent Authority prescribed under point no. 5 of Department of Personnel and Training’s O.M No. 36039/1/2019-Estt.(Res) dated 31.01.2019. The condition prescribed for Unreserved category in the matter of age shall apply to EWS candidates.

25) PwBD candidates with less than 40% of permanent disability are not eligible against PwBD reserved posts. The PwBD candidates are required to submit a Disability Certificate issued by Competent Authority in the prescribed format (Form V/Form VI/Form VII) as per the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Amended Rules, 2017, failing which their candidature as PwBD candidates will not be considered.

26) In case of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in the category of Cerebral Palsy, the facility of Scribe shall be given, if so desired by the candidate. In case of other category of persons with benchmark disabilities, the provision of scribe can be allowed upon production of a certificate to the effect that the candidate concerned has physical limitation to respond in CBT and scribe is essential to respond in CBT examination on his behalf, from the Chief Medical Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Govt. Healthcare Institution as per prescribed Proforma (Certificate regarding Physical Limitation of an examinee to respond in CBT). In case the PwBD candidate is desirous of bringing his own Scribe, the qualification of the Scribe should be one step below the qualification of the candidate taking the examination. The person with benchmark disability opting for own Scribe/ Reader should submit details of the own Scribe as per prescribed Proforma (Letter of Undertaking for using own scribe). 20 minutes per hour of ‘compensatory time’ in Computer Based Test shall be given to PwBD candidates who are allowed use of scribe as per the Govt. guidelines.

27) Admit cards for Computer Based Test (CBT) will be issued to all prima-facie eligible candidates on the basis of the details furnished in Online-Application form and submission of application fees (applicable for General, EWS & OBCNCL) Category candidates.

28) The Admit cards issued to the candidates are Provisional. However, in case any ineligible candidate had been issued admit card and had appeared in the Computer Based Test (CBT) or allowed to join the HRRL, his/her candidature will automatically be treated as cancelled at any stage of this recruitment/ service in HRRL on grounds of his ineligibility. Therefore, before submitting the application, the candidate must ensure that he/she fulfils all the eligibility criteria as laid down in this advertisement. His/her candidature will be purely provisional subject to eligibility and other verifications before or after his/her appointment in HRRL.

29) The decision of the Corporation about the mode of selection to the post and eligibility conditions shall be final and binding. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

30) Candidates have to necessarily declare in case he/she has been arrested, prosecuted, kept under detention or fined, convicted by a Court of Law or for any offence debarred/ disqualified by any Public Service Commission from appearing in its examination.

31) Candidates are advised to carefully read the full advertisement for details of educational qualification and other eligibility criteria before submission of on-line application.

32) The decision of the Management will be final and binding on all candidates on all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications, mode of selection, and cancellation of the selection process, etc. No correspondence will be entertained in this regard.

33) Positions are operated with work arrangements in one, two or three shifts. Incumbents may be required to perform duties in any of the work arrangements.

34) Candidates are advised to submit only one application. In case multiple applications are identified from a candidate, the latest one shall be considered as final and the older applications shall be rejectedwithout any notice.

35) The candidature of the shortlisted applicant would be provisional and subject to subsequent verification of certificate/ testimonials, medical fitness, etc.

36) Admit Card for Computer Based Test of Call letter for Skill Test, Personal Interview etc. (as applicable) will not be sent to candidates in hard copy. Candidates will be required to download the same from HRRL website.

37) Mere issue of call letter for selection process will not imply acceptance of candidature.

38) All the candidates are requested to remain updated at each step of the selection process by visiting our website https://www.hrrl.in/. Candidates may please note that personal calls and/or interaction with any of the HRRL’s officials during recruitment drive is discouraged, except when absolutely necessary/critical.

39) CBT/ Interviews for different positions may be conducted on the same day/ different venues for all the positions.

40) Queries must be emailed keeping the subject of the mail formatted as “Position Name –Application Number” at [email protected].

41) Candidates must be in possession of all applicable Certificates and mark sheets at the time ofapplication.

42) HRRL will not be responsible for any loss/ non-delivery of email/ any other communication sent, dueto invalid/wrong Email ID/c

43) Only the qualifications mentioned in the advertisement will be accepted. No equivalent qualifications will be considered.

44) All the qualifications should be full-time regular course/s from AICTE approved/ UGC recognized University/ Deemed University or respective State Board or equivalent competent authority as applicable. The courses offered by Autonomous Institutions should be equivalent to the relevant courses approved/ recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU/ UGC/ AICTE). Courses offered through part time or distance mode will not be entertained for the purpose of educational eligibility criteria.

45) Teaching & Research experience in an academic institute and Vocational / Apprentice Training will not be considered as relevant work experience.

46) Number of vacancies may increase/decrease at the discretion of the Company. HRRL reserves the rightnot to fill any of the above posts advertised at any stage of selection. Category-wisebreak up of vacancies given in the advertisement is tentative and is subject to change as per business requirements.

47) The Company also reserves the right to cancel / restrict/ curtail/ enlarge the recruitment process and/or the selection process for any position there under without any further notice and without assigning anyreasons.

48) Candidates have to necessarily declare (in case they are shortlisted for subsequent stages) that he/ she has been arrested, prosecuted, kept under detention or fined, convicted by the Court of Law for any offence, debarred/disqualified by any Public Service Commission from appearing in its examination.

49) Mere shortlisting in CBT does not entail the right for further selection process and HRRL reserves its right to call for suitable candidates depending upon their credentials/ declarations.

50) In case the applicant does not receive any communication within 120 days from the date of publication of this advertisement, it may be presumed that he/she has not been short listed for the selection process. Accordingly, candidates are advised to regularly visit our website – www.hrrl.in for the updated information.

51) Selected candidates will have to join the organization on the date mentioned in their offer of appointment failing which the organization reserves the right to cancel/withdraw the offer of appointment without any further correspondence/reference to the candidates.

52) Candidates presently employed in Government Departments / PSU’s / Autonomous Bodies owned by the Government, should submit their application as per their company policies. They must produce No Objection Certificate at the time of selection process, failing which they will not be allowed to appearfor the interview and their candidature will not be entertained.

53) Candidates are advised in their own interest to apply online before the closing date and not to wait till the last date for depositing the fee to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability / failure to log on to the website on account of heavy load on internet or website jam.

54) Prospective applicants are advised to visit HRRL website regularly for latest update with regard to this advertisement as no further press advertisement will be issued. Any separate corrigendum / addendum / updates would be uploaded only on our website www.hrrl.in.

55) In case of any ambiguity / dispute arises on account of interpretation in versions other than English language advertised in Newspaper/Employment News/Website, English version available on the website www.hrrl.in will prevail.

56) Canvassing in any form shall be considered a disqualification for employment in the company.

57) Sleeper class rail fare will be reimbursed to SC, ST & PwBD candidates towards appearing for Computer Based Test / Skill Test / GD & Personal Interview (applicable to S/G ‘E0 & E2’) andReimbursement of 3rd AC rail fare for all candidates appearing for Selection process for all positions in S/G E3 & E5. Amount to be reimbursed will be for the shortest route, provided the distance travelled is not less than 30 km. Candidates after completing both legs of travel, will be required to fill in the Travel Allowance (TA) Form (which will be made available on HRRL website) and submit/upload it along with Travel Proof for travel undertaken. Travel allowance will be processed through online mode only.

58) If traveled through other than rail, reimbursement will be restricted to rail fare from the nearest railway station from the mailing address to the place of i.e. within India.

Furnishing of wrong/false information or suppressing of any material fact will lead to disqualification and HRRL will not be responsible for any of the consequences of furnishing such wrong/false information.

Since all the applications will be screened without documentary evidence, the candidates must satisfy themselves meeting eligibility for the position to which they are applying. If at any stage during the recruitment and selection process, it is found that the candidates have furnished false or wrong information or is found ineligible with respect to any of the eligibility parameters, his/her candidature will be rejected.

If any of the above discrepancies w.r.t. to eligibility parameters, furnishing of wrong intimation and or suppressing of any material fact is detected / noticed even after appointment, his/her services will be liable for termination without any further notice.

Canvassing in any form during any stage of recruitment process will lead to cancellation of candidature.Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Jodhpur. Any further corrigendum / addendum would be uploaded only on our website www.hrrl.in.

The general public is hereby informed that all applications are accepted through our online portal only and is not outsourced by HRRL to any agency/individual. Applicants are advised to beware of such fraudulent agencies.