Purba Medinipur District Judgeship Recruitment 2025 Notification Out. Employment Notification no. 01/DRC/Purba Medinipur, Dated Tamluk 30th Day of January 2025.
Purba Medinipur District Judgeship Recruitment 2025
Applications in on-line mode are invited from eligible Indian citizens possessing knowledge in the vernacular of the State for preparation of a panel for filling up the following vacancies in different categories of posts to the Judgeship of Purba Medinipur, West Bengal.
The appointments will initially be made on purely temporary basis but are likely to be made permanent.
The Application must be submitted on-line in the following website: https://purbamedinipur.dcourts.gov.in, commencing from 01.02.2025 (Midnight).
The last date of submission of on-line application is 28.02.2025 (Midnight).
Important Dates: Purba Medinipur District Judgeship Recruitment 2025
Events | Dates |
Commencement of on-line submission of application by the candidates and Payment of Fees. | 01.02.2025 |
Closing of On-line submission of applications and Payment of Fees. | 28.02.2025 |
Last Date for downloading Admit Cards | To be notified later on. |
Tentative Date of the Tier-I Examination i.e.Preliminary OMR based Screening Test | To be notified later on. |
LOWER DIVISION CLERK | 01 | 02 | 02 | 01 | 01 | — | 01 | 01 | 01 | 01 | 03 | 01 | — | 01 | 16 | Pay Level 6 (Rs.22700 – 58500/) as per Pay Matrix of ROPA2019 |
ENGLISH STENOGRAPHER(GRADEIII) | — | 01 | 01 | — | 01 | — | — | 01 | 01 | — | 02 | 01 | — | — | 09 | Pay Level 10 (Rs.32100 – 82900/) as per Pay Matrix of ROPA2019 |
PROCESS SERVER | — | 01 | 01 | — | — | — | 01 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | 03 | Pay Level 5 (Rs.21000 – 54000/) as per Pay Matrix of ROPA2019 |
GROUPD | 05 | 01 | 01 | — | 01 | 02 | 02 | — | 01 | — | 02 | 02 | 01 | — | 18 | Pay Level 1 (Rs.17000 – 43600/) as per Pay Matrix of ROPA2019 |
[As per ‘The West Bengal District Court (Constitution of Service,Recruitment, Appointment, Probation and Discipline of Employees) Rules 2015’]
a) For the Post of English Stenographer: On the 1st Day of January 2025, the candidate must attain the age of eighteen years andnot to cross the age of (i) 35 years in the case of a person belonging to the Schedule Caste /Other Backward Classes, (ii) 37 years in the case of a person belonging to the ScheduleTribes or other category of persons for which reservation is made by law, (iii) 32 years ofany other person.
b) For the Post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Process Server and Group D: On the 1st Day of January 2025, the candidate must attain the age of eighteen years andnot to cross the age of (i) 43 years in the case of a person belonging to the Schedule Caste /Other Backward Classes, (ii) 45 years in the case of a person belonging to the ScheduleTribes or other category of persons for which reservation is made by law, (iii) 40 years ofany other person.
c) Candidates belonging to ‘Ex-serviceman category’ will get upper age relaxation as per theexisting Government Rules.
d) Age as recorded in the Birth Certificate issued by competent authority/Admit Card or Certificate of Madhyamik Examination (10th standard) or Equivalent examination issued by any recognized Board/Council will only be accepted.
a) For Meritorious Sports Persons: The following categories of sports persons shall be considered meritorious:
(i) Athletics (including Track and Field events), (ii) Badminton, (iii) Basketball, (iv)Cricket, (v) Football, (vi) Hockey, (vii) Swimming, (viii) Table Tennis, (ix) Volley Ball,(x) Tennis, (xi) Weightlifting, (xii) Wrestling, (xiii) Boxing, (xiv) Cycling, (xv)Gymnastics, (xvi) Judo, (xvii) Rifle Shooting, (xviii) Kabadi and (xix) Kho-Kho.
a) For the Post of English Stenographer (Grade-III):
I. Candidates applying for the post of English Stenographer must have passed Madhayamik or equivalent examination conducted by any recognized Board or Institution and at least a Certificate of knowledge in Computer Operation with knowledge of writing inshort hand from a recognized institution.
II. For English Stenographer, a minimum speed @ 80 w.p.m. in Shorthand and a minimum speed @30 w.p.m. in Typewriting from a legible manuscript in English for 10 minutes are required.
b) For the Post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
I. Must have passed Madhayamik or equivalent examination conducted by any recognized Board or Institution
II. Must have knowledge in the vernacular of the State.
c) For the Post of Process Server
I. Must have passed Class-VIII from any recognized School or recognized Madrasa or any other recognized equivalent Institution.
II. Must have knowledge in the vernacular of the State.
d) For the Post of Group D
I. Candidates applying for the post of Group-D must have passed Class-VIII from any recognized School or recognized Madrasa or any other recognized equivalent Institution.
II. Must have knowledge in the vernacular of the State.
a) For the Post of English Stenographer:
A. Tier I: OMR Answer Sheet Based MCQ Type Questions of Total 100 marks. (50 questions, each carrying two marks). The duration of the Examination will be of 60 minutes. There shall be negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong response. There will befour series of question booklets. Marks obtained by the candidates in Tier-I shall not be carried forward in the further stage. On the basis of the result of Tier-I examination (OMR based), the number of candidates maximum ten times of the vacancies shall be called forTier-II & III Examinations.
Syllabus: General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Arithmetic (Class X Standard), Computer Proficiency, General English, General Science, Logical and Behavioral Reasoning.
B. Tier-II: Dictation and Transcription Test (Full Marks: 50)
C. Tier-III: Typing in Computer and Computer Operation (Full Marks: 50)
D. Tier-IV: On the basis of the result of Tier-II and III examinations, number of candidates maximum five times of the declared vacancy shall be called for Tier-IV examinations i.e. Viva-voce and Personality Test (Full Marks: 30).
The final merit list will be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates in Tier-II, III and IV Examination.Admit cards issued at the inception shall be valid for further stages of examination including Viva-voce.
b) For the Post of Lower Division Clerk (LDC):
A. Tier I: OMR Answer Sheet Based MCQ Type Questions of Total 100 marks. (50 questions, each carrying two marks). The duration of the Examination will be of 60 minutes. There shall be negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong response. There will befour series of question booklets. Marks obtained by the candidates in Tier-I shall not be carried forward in the further stage. On the basis of the result of Tier-I examination (OMR based), the number of candidates maximum ten times of the vacancies shall be called for Tier-II Examinations.
Syllabus: General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Arithmetic (Class X Standard), Computer Proficiency, General English, General Science, Logical and Behavioral Reasoning.
B. Tier-II: Conventional Descriptive Type Test (Full Marks: 100) Syllabus: English Essay, Report and Precis writing, Bengali paragraphwriting, Bengali Grammer, English to Bengali and Bengali to English Translation.
C. Tier-III: On the basis of the result of Tier-II examination, number of candidates maximum five times of the declared vacancy shall be called for Tier-III examination i.e.
Viva-voce and Personality Test (Full Marks: 30).
The final merit list will be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates in Tier-II and III Examination.
Admit cards issued at the inception shall be valid for further stages of examination including Viva-voce.
c) For the Post of Process Server:
A. Tier I: OMR Answer Sheet Based MCQ Type Questions of Total 100 marks. (50 questions, each carrying two marks). The duration of the Examination will be of 60 minutes. There shall be negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong response. There will befour series of question booklets. Marks obtained by the candidates in Tier-I shall not be carried forward in the further stage. On the basis of the result of Tier-I examination (OMR based), the number of candidates maximum ten times of the vacancies shall be called for Tier-II Examinations.Syllabus: General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Arithmetic (Class VIII Standard), Computer Proficiency, General English, General Science, Logical and Behavioral Reasoning.
B. Tier-II: Conventional Descriptive Type Test (Full Marks: 100) Syllabus: English paragraph writing, Report writing, English Grammer,Bengali paragraph writing, Bengali Grammer.
C. Tier-III: On the basis of the result of Tier-II examination, number of candidates maximum five times of the declared vacancy shall be called for Tier-III examination i.e.
Viva-voce and Personality Test (Full Marks: 30).
The final merit list will be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates in Tier-II and III Examination.Admit cards issued at the inception shall be valid for further stages of examination including Viva-voce.
d) For the Post of Group D:
A. Tier I: OMR Answer Sheet Based MCQ Type Questions of Total 100 marks. (50 questions, each carrying two marks). The duration of the Examination will be of 60 minutes. There shall be negative marking of 1 mark for each wrong response. There will befour series of question booklets. Marks obtained by the candidates in Tier-I shall not be carried forward in the further stage. On the basis of the result of Tier-I examination (OMR based), the number of candidates maximum ten times of the vacancies shall be called for Tier-II Examinations.
Syllabus: General Knowledge and Current Affairs, Arithmetic (Class VIII Standard), Computer Proficiency, General English, General Science, Logical and Behavioral Reasoning.
B. Tier-II: Conventional Descriptive Type Test (Full Marks: 100)
Syllabus: English paragraph writing, Report writing, English Grammer,Bengali paragraph writing, Bengali Grammer.
C. Tier-III: On the basis of the result of Tier-II examination, number of candidates maximum five times of the declared vacancy shall be called for Tier-III examination i.e.
Viva-voce and Personality Test (Full Marks: 30).
The final merit list will be prepared on the basis of the marks obtained by the candidates in Tier-II and III Examination.
Admit cards issued at the inception shall be valid for further stages of examination including Viva-voce.
Application Fees for different posts, castes and categories of candidates are stated inthe following chart.
Sl.No. | Name of Post | UR and Others excluding SC, ST, EWS | SC, ST and EWS |
1. | Group – D | Rs. 700.00 | Rs. 500.00 |
2. | English Stenographer | Rs. 800.00 | Rs. 600.00 |
3. | Process Server | Rs. 800.00 | Rs. 600.00 |
4. | LDC | Rs. 800.00 | Rs. 600.00 |
a) On-line application for Purba Medinipur Judgeship Staff Recruitment 2025 will commence on 01.02.2025 from 00:00 hrs and applications will be accepted till 28.02.2025 up to 23.59 hrs. The Application Form is to be filled in & payment of examination fees shall be made by the applicant through on-line mode only. The on-line application form shall be filled up through the links provided in the website of District Court, Purba Medinipur i.e. https://purbamedinipur.dcourts.gov.in. Application Fees are to be paid On-line using Debit Card or Credit Card or Internet Banking or e-challan. Any other mode of payment will not be accepted under any circumstances. Payment gateway charges and Service Taxes (if any) may be charged and debited additionally. Candidates should retain the ‘Payment Confirmation Receipt’ generated on-line and keep a printout of the same for future reference. Application fees including the additional charges is NON-REFUNDABLE in any case.
The candidatures of the candidates shall also be cancelled if they fail to upload his/her clear and legible photograph with signature in the jpg format, or the relevant documents namely, certificates containing correct date of birth, educational qualification,exempted category certificate or the certificate for the ex-serviceman or the caste certificate for the concerned candidates.
b) Admit Card containing the Venue, Date and Time of Examination and other information will be made available for download 02 (Two) weeks before the date of Examination till the very day of Examination. Candidate must download the Admit Card(Hall Ticket) and bring a printout of the same to enter the Examination Venue. Candidates called for test(s) shall be required to appear at their own expense and no T.A. / D.A. isadmissible.
c) Admission to the test / examination will be deemed provisional, subject to verification and determination of the Candidate’s eligibility and suitability in all respect. Ifat any stage of the process, a candidate is found to be ineligible for admission to the test(s)in terms of this Notice, his / her candidature shall be cancelled without making anyreference to him / her and without assigning any reason.
d) A candidate furnishing incorrect or false particulars or suppressing material information, will be disqualified, and, if appointed, shall be liable for dismissal fromservice.
e) Once appointed, the matters regarding service, seniority, transfer, promotion etc.in respect of an appointee will be regulated by the Rules followed in this Judgeship.
f) In case of any dispute, the decision of the District Recruitment Committee shall stand final.
g) Candidates whose applications will be found not in order, will not be allowed to appear in the examination and authority will bear no responsibility to inform the candidates.
h) The District Recruitment Authority reserves the right to make short lists of successful candidates. The panel(s) thus formed shall remain effective for a period of maximum 01(one) year from the date of its formation subject to Government Rules andRegulations.
i) The District Recruitment Committee, Purba Medinipur Judgeship shall also have the full discretion to fix minimum qualifying marks in respect of all categories of post &relaxation of all or any of the norms, if required.
a. Click on “Apply online” button in the online portal of Purba Medinipur District Court, after reading carefully the notification / advertisement and caution notice,ensuring that you are eligible to apply.
b. On Clicking “Apply online” button candidate will be taken to the registration page where they need to fill up the concerned details.
c. Enter the basic details such as Name, Category, date of birth, gender, mobile num-ber, email id etc. in the respective field provided. The Candidates belonging to theState other than the State of West Bengal will be considered only under Unreserved Category.
d. Select the appropriate options in the fields asking about “Sub-Category” (i) EC (ii)Ex-serviceman (iii) Meritorious Sports Person (iv) EWS etc.
e. After filling up the details on registration page, cross check all the details before clicking on “Submit & Proceed to Applicant Login” as no subsequent request for change will be considered or information cannot be edited anymore . On Clicking a unique registration /application number will be generated, you will receive OTP REGAPPL registration number via SMS/E-Mail, which shall be used alongwith date of birth (DOB) for all further representations and login purpose.
f. After confirmation, the candidate should click on “Proceed for Payment” button inthe portal and then will be redirected to the Payment stage / Payment Gateway where candidates need to pay the examination fee, as per the notification / advertise-ment.
g. Once the fee is confirmed, Candidate will be redirected to next page to proceed fur-ther to fill in the Personal Details, Education Details, choose their preferred examination Division from the list of options provided in the drop down list. The correspondence and permanent address details should be entered by the candidate in the respective fields only.
h. After filling all the respective fields and uploading necessary and valid documents,an edit option is provided. Upon clicking on it, the candidate can go through the en-tire details filled in and can edit the same before final submission.
i. While filling in the online Application form, the candidate will be provided with a“BROWSE” button to upload his/her Coloured Photograph, Specimen Signature and other relevant documents. There will be separate windows for Photograph,specimen signature and other relevant documents respectively as applicable. Size and format of the scanned photo and signature will be only of 50kb and 30 kb and in.jpg / .jpeg respectively. The size and format of other relevant documents will also be within 100 kb and in .jpg and .jpeg format. Further, black and white / unclear /hazy / doctored / morphed images, if uploaded by the applicant and detected at any later stage of this recruitment process, will result in summary rejection of the appli-cation. The applicant has to ensure that uploaded photograph, specimen signature and all other relevant documents are clearly visible / identifiable. If candidate wear glasses, make sure that there are no reflections in photograph and eyes can be clearly seen. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover your face. The applicant has to sign on white paper with blue / black ink pen. The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
j. A final declaration has to be checked on confirmation of the details entered above are valid and correct to the best of the candidate’s knowledge. Applicants are ad-vised to enter correct / valid data in respect of various information as sought by the website. Incorrect details, if any, entered by any applicant will result in summary re-jection of the application at any stage of the recruitment process.
k. Once confirmed, “PRINT APPLICATION” button will appear and Candidates should keep two printouts of the duly filled in online application form submitted by them, for their record and future reference.
l. Candidates should apply once only carefully. Multiple applications / registrations against any single post will be summarily rejected. Application for separate post needs to be filled-in with requisite fees separately .Examination(s) will be conducted Post-wise on separate dates and times.
m. After Registration, candidate need to complete the application process including payment of Fees within date of closure of application form.
Technical Help Desk E-mail ID | [email protected] |
Help Desk Phone Number For Technical Queries | 7603020660 |