KRNNIVSA Recruitment 2025 Teaching Posts. K. R. Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts
Thekkumthala, Kanjiramattom P.O., Kottayam, Kerala-686585 – Email: [email protected]. Phone: 9061706113
No 2779/A1/KRNNIVSA/2023
Date: 25/01/2025
(A Film Institute established by Department of Higher Education, Government of Kerala)
Phone: 9061706113
KRNNIVSA Recruitment 2025 Teaching Posts
K. R. Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science & Arts is an audio/visual training and research institute established by the Government of Kerala under the administrative control of Higher Education Department.
At present, the Institute offers Three Year Residential Post Graduate Diploma Programme in Script Writing & Direction, Cinematography, Editing, Audiography, Animation & VFX and Acting.
The Institute invites applications from eligible citizens of India for appointment to the following posts purely on contract basis.
The applicants shall be well versed in English language and proficiency in Hindi is preferred.
SI No | Department | Name of the Post | Number of Vacancy | Consolidated Salary |
1. | Script Writing & Direction | Professor | 1 | 1,00,000/- |
2. | Audiography | Professor | 1 | 1,00,000/- |
3. | Editing | Professor | 1 | 1,00,000/- |
4. | Script Writing & Direction | Associate Professor | 1 | 93,000/- |
5. | Animation & VFX | Assistant Professor | 1 | 50,000/- |
*Note: clarification on “Concerned Subject”
- Script Writing & Direction-Direction, Script writing & Direction, Screenplay Writing & Direction.
- Audiography- Audiography, Sound Engineering, Sound Recording & Sound Design.
- Editing-Editing.
Interested candidates who fulfill the above requirements/ qualifications may send their neatly typed application on plain paper in the following format with self-attested copies of certificate(s) of proof of age, qualifications, experience etc. and two copies of recent passport size photographs, addressed to “The Director, K.R.Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science and Arts, Thekkumthala, Kanjiramattom P.O., Kottayam, PIN-686 585“, along with a Demand Draft (non-refundable) of Rs. 1000/- for faculty positions (Professor, Assistant Professor) drawn in favour of “The Director, K.R.Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science and Arts”, payable at Pallikkathodu.
The application shall reach the office of the Institute on or before 15/02/2025
The envelope shall be super scribed with the name of the post applied for.
Interested candidates applying for more than one post, have to submit separate applications (along with separate Demand Draft) for each post.
The Institute Authority reserves the right to reject applications on valid reason.
Depending on the number of applications, eligible short-listed candidates will be called for trade test and/or interview (as applicable).
Since, it is not possible to call all the eligible candidates for trade test and/or interview, the applicants will be short-listed on the basis of criteria fixed by the Institute, at the time of scrutiny. The decision of the Institute in this regard will be final and binding.