Kalyani University Recruitment 2025 Various Posts. Kalyani University, Kalyani, Nadia – 741235. EMPLOYMENT NOTIFICATION
Employment Notification No: Rect./U. Off./Re-advt./Librarian/2025
Dated: 06.01.2025
Kalyani University Recruitment 2025 Various Posts
Kalyani University invites online applications from Indian citizens through the website www.klyuniv.ac.in or through the portal www.kums.klyuniv.ac.in for the appointment of following substantive post of the University.
Those candidates who have applied earlier for the post of Librarian (in response to previous Employment Notification No: Rect./U. Off./Librarian/2023 dated: 16.02.2023) need not apply again. For upgradation of CV, if required, may send in the e-mail: recruitment [email protected]
LIBRARIAN: (01) One post (UR)
(Pre-revised Pay Band-Rs. 37,400/- Rs.67,000/- with a Grade Pay of Rs. 10,000) Revised
pay Matrix Level-14.
Minimum Eligibility Criteria: Kalyani University Recruitment 2025 Various Posts
a. Essential
- A Master’s Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation Science with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever the grading system is followed.
- At least ten years as a Librarian at any level in University Library or ten years of teaching as Assistant/Associate Professor in Library Science or ten years’ experience as a College Librarian.
- Evidence of innovative library services, including the integration of ICT in a library.
- A Ph.D. Degree in library science/information science/documentation /archives and manuscript-keeping and research score of 120 as prescribed in the UGC Regulations 2018 as well as prescribed in the Government of West Bengal for the direct recruitment.
- Age not less than 40 years. Relaxable in the case of exceptionally qualified candidates.
Application fees: Kalyani University Recruitment 2025 Various Posts
Applications received through any other mode will not be considered. The pay structure (pay matrix) and other admissible allowances will strictly be followed under the rules of the Govt. of West Bengal for the post of Librarian. Applicants will have to pay the requisite application fees as per the following table during the application through the online portal only. No other mode of payment will be accepted.
Name of the Post
Gen & OBC
Application Fees (Rs.)
Applicants should have the minimum qualifications and experiences as per the most up-to-date recruitment directives of UGC REGULATIONS 2018 for the direct recruitment of the Post of Librarian in the State-aided Universities. Candidates presently employed in Central / State Government or Government aided Universities/colleges, Central State PSUs, or Semi Government organizations should apply through a proper channel and should produce NOC from their present employer at the time of the interview. Incomplete applications or applications bearing insufficient supporting documents regarding the credentials/experience will be summarily rejected.
General Instructions to the Candidates: Kalyani University Recruitment 2025 Various Posts
- Above mentioned minimum qualifications are subject to modification by the UGC/State Government from time to time.
- Only online application through the portal www.kums.klyuniv.ac.in will be acceptable.
- Appointment will be made on probation for one year, which may be waived or extended and will be guided by the rules as framed and/or amended by the University from time to time.
- A person working in Govt/Semi Govt/Public Sector undertaking must apply through proper channel
- Fulfillment of minimum qualifications does not guarantee a call for interview. The University reserves the right to decide the number of candidates to be called for interview for a particular post.
- The University of Kalyani shall reserve the right of rejecting any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof.
- If the qualification possessed by the candidate is equivalent, then which of them and why it has been so treated must be indicated and documents must be produced.
- Candidates should clearly note that the University will in no case be responsible for non- receipt of application forms by the University and/or non-receipt of interview letter by the candidate for any other reason whatsoever. Application received after the prescribed last date will not be entertained under any circumstances and all such applications will be summarily rejected. Incomplete applications will also be rejected.
- Reservation as per Government of West Bengal Rules. Benefits of Reservation can be claimed by a reserved candidate only from his State of origin, not from the State he/she has migrated.
- Mere fulfillment of eligibility conditions does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. Only those Candidates who will be short-listed after screening by relevant committee will be called for Interview.
- Candidates are directed to submit all the certificates/papers regarding academic records, publications, administrative experiences, teaching experiences and project (Major/Minor) along with their applications as they claimed.
- No informal correspondence from the candidates will be entertained in connection with the process of selection. Canvassing in any form will entail disqualification of Candidature.
- In case of improper information regarding the qualification/experience found at any stage, the candidature of a candidate shall be rejected.
- No TA/DA shall be paid to attend the interview.
- Protection of pay will be given as per G.O.No. 951(21)-Edn(U)/1U-87/16 Dated 26.08.2019 and University Ordinance.
Last date of submission of online application is 25.01.2025.
Kalyani, Nadia-741235
Employment Notification No: Rect./U. Off./AMO/UE/Re-advt./2025
Dated: 06.01.2025
Kalyani University Recruitment 2025 Various Posts
Kalyani University invites online applications from Indian citizens through the portal www.kums.klyuniv.ac.in and details in the website www.klyuniv.ac.in for the appointment of following substantive posts of the University.
Those candidates who have applied earlier for the post of Assistant Medical Officer and University Engineer (in response to previous Employment Notification No: Rect./U. Off./AMO/UE/01/2022 Dated: 24.12.2022) need not apply again. For upgradation of CV, if required, may send in the
e-mail: [email protected]
Assistant Medical Officer: (01) One Post (UR)
(Pre-revised Pay Band-Rs.15,600/- Rs.39,100/- with a Grade Pay of Rs.6,000) Revised pay Matrix
Minimum Eligibility Criteria:
a. Essential
i. An M.B.B.S. degree recognized by the I.M.C.
ii. At least 5 years’ experience of medical practice in Government/Military/ Quasi Government hospitals of 7 years’ private medical practice of reputation.
iii. Age not below 30 years Relaxable in the case of exceptionally qualified candidates.
b. Desirable
i. Diploma in Public Health/Tropical Medicines or Post Graduate Degree in Medicine or allied medical subjects.
University Engineer: (01) One Post (UR)
Pre-revised Pay Band-Rs.15,600/- Rs.39,100/- with a Grade Pay of Rs.8,000) Revised pay Matrix
Minimum Eligibility Criteria: Kalyani University Recruitment 2025 Various Posts
a. Essential
i. Uniformly good academic record with a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering with minimum 55% marks or its equivalent grade in the point scale wherever a grading system is followed.
ii. At least 10 years’ experience in a position involving supervision, control and planning of construction work under Government/ quasi Government/University/Institute of Higher Learning.
iii. Age not below 35 years. Relaxable in the case of exceptionally qualified candidates.
b. Desirable
i. A postgraduate Degree in Civil Engineering.
Experience of 5 years in large scale industrial concern in a position involving decision making in planning, estimating, designing and supervision of construction.
Application fees: Kalyani University Recruitment 2025 Various Posts
Applications received through any other mode will not be considered. The pay structure (pay matrix) and other admissible allowances will strictly be followed under the rules of the Govt. of West Bengal for the post of Assistant Medical Officer and University Engineer. Applicants will have to pay the requisite application fees as per the following table during the application through the online portal only. No other mode of payment will be accepted.
Name of the Post
Assistant Medical Officer
University Engineer
Gen & OBC
Gen & OBC
Application Fees (Rs.)
Applicants should have the minimum qualifications and experiences as per the most up-to-date recruitment directives of UGC REGULATIONS 2018 and Memorandum of Government of West Bengal (G.O.No: 141-Edn(U)/1U-91-08/11 Date: 28.02.2011) for the direct recruitment of the Post of Assistant Medical Officer and University Engineer in the State-aided Universities. Candidates presently employed in Central/State Government or Government aided Universities/colleges, Central State PSUs, or Semi Government organizations should apply through a proper channel and should produce NOC from their present employer at the time of the interview. Incomplete applications or applications bearing insufficient supporting documents regarding the credentials/experience will be summarily rejected.
General Instructions to the Candidates
- Above mentioned minimum qualifications are subject to modification by the UGC/State Government from time to time.
- Only online application through the portal www.kums.klyuniv.ac.in will be acceptable.
- Appointment will be made on probation for one year, which may be waived or extended and will be guided by the rules as framed and/or amended by the University from time to time.
- A person working in Govt./Semi Govt./Public Sector undertaking must apply through proper channel.
- Fulfillment of minimum qualifications does not guarantee a call for interview. The University reserves the right to decide the number of candidates to be called for interview for a particular post.
- The University of Kalyani shall reserve the right of rejecting any or all the applications without assigning any reason thereof.
- If the qualification possessed by the candidate is equivalent, then which of them and why it has been so treated must be indicated and documents must be produced.
- Candidates should clearly note that the University will in no case be responsible for non-receipt of application forms by the University and/or non-receipt of interview letter by the candidate for any other reason whatsoever. Application received after the prescribed last date will not be entertained under any circumstances and all such applications will be summarily rejected. Incomplete applications will also be rejected.
- Reservation as per Government of West Bengal Rules. Benefits of Reservation can be claimed by a reserved candidate only from his State of origin, not from the State he/she has migrated.
- Mere fulfillment of eligibility conditions does not entitle a candidate to be called for interview. Only those Candidates who will be short-listed after screening by relevant committee will be called for Interview.
- Candidates are directed to submit all the certificates/papers regarding academic records, publications, administrative experiences, teaching experiences and project (Major/Minor) along with their applications as they claimed.
- No informal correspondence from the candidates will be entertained in connection with the process of selection. Canvassing in any form will entail disqualification of Candidature.
- In case of improper information regarding the qualification/experience found at any stage, the candidature of a candidate shall be rejected.
- No TA/DA shall be paid to attend the interview.
- Protection of pay will be given as per G.O.No. 951(21)-Edn(U)/IU-87/16 Dated 26.08.2019 and University Ordinance.
Last date of submission of online application is 25.01.2025.