IIT Ropar Recruitment 2025 Postdoctoral position. Advertisement for Postdoctoral position under the CRG-SERB Project, in the Department of Mathematics, IIT Ropar.
भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी सं स्थान रोपड़
नं गलरोड, रूपनगर, पं जाब140001/Nangal Road, Rupnagar, Punjab-140001
Advertisement for Postdoctoral Position
IIT Ropar Recruitment 2025 Postdoctoral position
Dedicated and hardworking candidates are invited to apply for the “ONE” Postdoctoral Position under the mentorship of Associate Professor Tapas Chatterjee, Department of Mathematics, IIT Ropar.
The candidate will be working on CRG-SERB Project (CRG/2023/000804) entitled “Special Values of L-functions: p-adic and q-analogues”.
The position is contractual and renewable for up to Three years (Total duration) based on the candidate’s satisfactory performance, which will be renewed every six months.
Essential qualifications: IIT Ropar Recruitment 2025 Postdoctoral position
Ph.D. degree holders or having Thesis submission certificate around the area of Number Theory are eligible to apply.
Upper age limit:
35 years (Relaxation as per Gol norms is applicable).
Desired qualifications: Candidates having research experience/good background as an independent researcher get an advantage.
Duration: IIT Ropar Recruitment 2025 Postdoctoral position
Initially, the PDF position will be offered for a period of one year. Based on the performance of the candidate, it can be further extended up to one/two more years or upto the completion of the project whichever is earlier.
Salary: IIT Ropar Recruitment 2025 Postdoctoral position
The selected candidate will receive a consolidated fellowship of Rs 58000/- per month plus HRA as per GOI norms if he/she is not staying in campus.
How to Apply?
Application form is given on the following sheet. To apply, send the following by email to the undersigned:
- Completely filled application form (given on the following sheet).
- A detailed research proposal
- A detailed CV (detailing prior research experience).
- Soft copy of all degree certificates.
A single consolidated pdf file mentioning “Application for Postdoctoral Position, your name” in the subject of your email and send the email to [email protected] (Dr. Tapas Chatterjee)
Last date for receipt of application: 5th February 2025.
The short-listed candidates will be called for an online interview.
After the selection, the selected candidate needs to join immediately (within a few days) after receiving the offer letter by following the Institute joining rules.
Website: https://www.iitrpr.ac.in/