IIT BHU Recruitment 2025 Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)

IIT BHU Recruitment 2025 Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) posts. Advertisement for JRF

IIT BHU Recruitment 2025 Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)

Applications are invited for the One post of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) a Fixed Stipend/ Fellowship/Salary amount of 37,000/- p.m. (HRA will be as per the rule) in a ISRO-RAC Sponsored Project entitled “Globally supported radial basis function based fractional order mesh free fast algorithms for image denoising and enhancement” sanctioned up to Three Year for JRF.

The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project.

The Essential qualifications and the upper Age Limit (relaxable as Per Gol Rules); All things being equal, SC/ST candidates will be preferred as per GOI rules.

Essential qualifications: IIT BHU Recruitment 2025 Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)

S. No


Essential Qualification

No. of Post S


Upper Age Limit

Monthly Salary + HRA

M.Sc. in Mathematics/M.Sc. in Computer Science and should have qualified NET/GATE with consistently good academic record (at least 60% marks in M.Sc.).


Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

M. Tech in Math & Computing/CSE/IT/EE/ECE/other related areas, and should have qualified GATE with consistently good academic record (at least 60% marks at Bachelor & Masters Level).

28 years (relaxation in age will be as per Gol norms)

37,000/- + HRA



B. Tech in Math & Computing/CSE/IT/EE/ECE/other related areas with 75% marks or 7.5 CPI on 10-point scale, and should have qualified GATE with consistently good academic record.


Preference will be given to candidates having knowledge in the area of the project.

Desirable qualifications, if any: Knowledge of the programming languages like Matlab/Mathematica is desirable.

Advertisement details: IIT BHU Recruitment 2025 Junior Research Fellowship (JRF)

Project no.

Project Title


Attached ISRO/RES/RAC-S/ITTBHU/2024-25

Globally supported radial basis function based fractional order mesh free fast algorithms for image denoising and enhancement


Prof. Rajesh Kumar Pandey


JRF (1 Post)

Funding agency




Essential minimum qualification

3 Year

Desirable qualification, if any

As per the Table

As mentioned in detailed Advertisement

Maximum Age

As mentioned in table

Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/Physically Handicapped/Female candidates

As per Gol rules

This is to certify that the advertisement details given are as per the Funding agency norms.

Application should be reached in the prescribed format (Annexure I) along with the self-attested copies of mark-sheets and certificates and details of any research or other experience etc., if any, should reach within 21 days from the date of advertisement posting on the institute webpage to the Principal Investigator:

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Pandey,


Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology

(Banaras Hindu University),


Email: [email protected]

Starting date of application: 20.1.2025

Last date of application: 10.02.2025

Candidates must also fill and submit the Google form: https://forms.qle/LC9BvZwPskVjeRMa8

Note: Selected candidate may be given an opportunity to register for the PhD program as per institute norms. The PI/ISRO-RAC IIT (BHU) also reserves the right NOT to fill any of the posts advertised, in the event or exigency so decided without assigning any reason thereof.

  1. The post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project.
  2. Positions sanctioned for Three Year for JRF
  3. IIT(BHU) has all rights to decide the duration of appointment in each position. The performance of project staff will be reviewed accordingly, and the positions may be extended for the total project duration.
  4. Candidates must also fill and submit the Google form: https://forms.gle/LC9BvZwPskVjeRMa8
  5. Only shortlisted candidates will be communicated to appear in the interview and no other communications in this regard will be entertained. Candidates are requested to check their email regularly and visit https://www.iitbhu.ac.in/positions for any updates.
  6. The candidate is expected to join within a month, if selected.
  7. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
  8. Relaxation of marks and age may be granted to the SC/ST/OBC/EWS/Women/physically challenged Candidate (as per GOI norms)
  9. The Selection committee has the discretion to restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview to a reasonable limit by qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement
  10. HRA will be given as per the Government norms.

The Selection committee reserves its right to not fill the position if no suitable candidate is found.