IIIT Bhagalpur, Bihar- Ad-hoc Recruitment January 2025. Walk in Interview – 25 January 2025 in Patna.
IIIT Bhagalpur, Bihar- Ad-hoc Recruitment 2025
Teaching Jobs vacancy notification announced by Indian Institute of Information Technology Bhagalpur, Bhagalpur for the 2024-2025 academic calendar year. Eligible candidates may Walk-in. Date Posted: 11th January 2025 Hiring Organization: Indian Institute of Information Technology Bhagalpur Organization Profile: Indian Institute of Information Technology Bhagalpur (IIIT Bhagalpur) is one of the 25 IIITs set up
भारतीय सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान भागलपुर
An Institute of National Importance nader act of Parliament) Sabsar, Bhagalpur-813210, Bihar, India
Advt. No.: IIITBH/ADVT/2025/TEMP FAC/01
Date: 09/01/2025
Walk-In-Interview for Appointment of Temporary Faculty in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Information Technology Bhagalpur (IIIT Bhagalpur) is one of the 25 IIIT’s set up by MoE, Govt. of India under the Act of Parliament, HIT (PPP) Act, 2017, and it is an “Institute of National Importance”. It is a joint venture of Govt. of India (50%), Govt. of Bihar (35%) and BELTRON (15%). The Institute was established in the year of 2017, and currently functioning with B. Tech, M. Tech, and Ph.D programmes in four branches namely Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering. Mechatronics & Automation Engineering, and Mathematics& Computing
Walk-in-interview for appointment of Temporary Faculty in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at HIT Bhagalpur on Ad-Hoc basis
Walk-in-interview for the recruitment of Temporary Faculty in the Demriment of Computer Science and Engineering, IIIT Bhagalpur on purely Ad-Hoc basis initially for one semester, which may be extended maximum for two more semesters based on the performance.
The desirous and eligible candidates may appear at the Walk-in-interview with duly filled application form along with all certificates in originals with two set of photocopies.
The selected candidate would get a consolidated remuneration of Rs. 70,000/- per month (all inclusive).
Academic and Professional Qualifications
Academic and Professional Qualifications for Assistant Professor (on Ad-Hoc basis):
Name of the Department
The candidate must have:
B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering or equivalent
Computer Science and Engineering
and M. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering or equivalent. and The candidates shall have PhD degree in relevant /equivalent discipline.
The candidates who have submitted his/her PhD thesis may also apply.
walk-in-interview schedule
Eligible candidates have to report for walk-in-interview as per the schedule given below:
Date of Walk-In Interview
Reporting Time
Computer Science & Engineering
25 January 2025 (Saturday)
Main Building, NIT Patma, Ashok Rajpath, Patna
Note: IIIT Bhagalpur, Bihar- Ad-hoc Recruitment 2025
Applicants, who are in permanent employment of Government/Govt. Undertaking/ Autonomous Body, must bring the NOC from his/her employer at the time of interview.
The institute reserves its right to cancel the recruitment procedure without any prior notice and without assigning any reason thereof.
The candidates are advised to fill the attached application form. The candidates are advised to bring the duly filled application form, along with duly self-attested supporting docuanents, such as the self-attested copies of relevant testimonials, certificates at the time of Walk-in-interview
Application form without relevant supporting enclosures shall be summarily rejected. No correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
The reservations for SC/ST/OBC/EWS and PWD will be as per the Govt, rule.
Candidates shall indicate two references of eminent persons in the field/profession, with full postal address email and telephone number, who may be contacted by the Institute for their recommendations.
The date for determining eligibility of candidates in every respect, i. e, qualifications, experience and age limit etc. shall be considered as on the date of walk-in-interview.
Persons serving in Govt./ Semi Govt./PSUs/Universities/ Educational Institutions should bring NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the competent Authority of the organization serving, at the time of interview otherwise they may not be allowed for interview,
Original documents along with two set of self-attested copies will have to be produced at the time of interview for verification.
The applicants are advised/required to visit the Institute website www.lithh.ac.in regularly.
Legal disputes, if any, with IIIT Bhagalpur will be restricted within the jurisdiction of Bhagalpur anly.
Self-attested copies of the following Documents/certificates are required to be attached with the Application Form.
Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent certificate indicating date of birth, or mark sheet of Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent issued by Central/State Board indicating date of birth will be considered in support of their claim of age. Where date of birth is not available in