Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Dwarka Jobs 2025 JRF

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Dwarka Jobs 2025 JRF. Walk-in Interview for the post of JRF at Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Dwarka Jobs 2025 JRF

University School of Basic & Applied Sciences

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Dwarka, Sector-16 C, New Delhi-110078

Advertisement No.: GGSIPU/USBAS/DST-SERB/2025/Jan/02

Date: 17th January, 2025

Walk-in Interview for the Post of JRF in DST-SERB (SURE) Sponsored Project

(Reference No.: SUR/2022/003252)

Applications are invited from eligible candidates to work as a Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in a Department of Science and Technology (DST) sponsored project at USBAS, GGSIPU, New Delhi. The details are as follows:

Project Title

Disorder-induced enhancement of thermoelectric properties of a random array of SnSe quantum dots

Number of Positions


Duration of project

24 Months

Principal Investigator

Prof. S. Neeleshwar


Dr. Anjana Bagga, Associate Professor

To make low-cost quantum dots based thermoelectric as a scalable technology: To synthesize disordered array of SnSe quantum dots using refluxing, reduction, colloidal injection, microwave, and hydrothermal techniques. These disordered quantum dots will be consolidated into pellet by hot-press/spark plasma sintering.

Project Objectives

To make the theoretical study of the effect of disorder on the thermoelectric properties. The disorder effects are present due to the size distribution around an average size of an array of quantum dots and also due to different amount of doping of the various quantum dots. The disorder is also present due to the defects, trap states and surface states.

To find theoretically the optimized values of size and doping for obtaining maximized thermoelectric power factor, zT and efficiency of such a disorder system of quantum dots. So as to implement it experimentally.


INR 31,000/- per month for first two years

Essential Qualifications

Post Graduate Degree, M.Sc. in Physics/Applied Physics/Materials Science/Engineering Physics, M.Tech. in Engineering Physics/ Nano-Science & Technology with minimum 55% marks or any equivalent.

Preference will be given to candidates, who have qualified National Eligibility Tests like CSIR-UGC NET or GATE, or any other national-level examinations.

Additionally, student should have knowledge in one of the programming languages such as C++, MATLAB, FORTRAN, etc.

The student should have knowledge in experimental synthesis of nanomaterials.

Google form to apply online

Interview Date

Date: 28th January, 2025

Time: 10 am onwards


Venue: B-011, B-Block, USBAS, GGS IP University, Dwarka sector 16c. Delhi-110078

Notes: Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Dwarka Jobs 2025 JRF

  1. Candidates are requested to submit their application form by online mode only.
  2. Short-listed candidates will be called for the interview. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
  3. Candidates are required to produce all certificates/testimonials in original at the time of interview.